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  • Pullman-Holt 102 ASB H.E.P.A Vacuum

Pullman-Holt 102 ASB H.E.P.A Vacuum

Pullman-Holt 102 ASB H.E.P.A Vacuum is a proven performer in the abatement industry A heavy duty polyethylene tank with dump valve, rugged construction and long-life, commercial grade vacuum motor help make this model the toughest, most durable HEPA Vacuum in the market today Two horsepower, 2 stage by-pass, 11.1 amp motor delivers 105" of water lift and 110 CFM Individually tested and certified to have a minimum efficiency of 99.97% at .3 microns in accordance with IEST-RR-CC001 test requirements Please call 317.322.5200 or email dstemmler@esscoindy.com to order
